divendres, de novembre 24, 2006


Pizza Time....

Last night!
We did Pizza, Italian Pizza, Alekos was the teacher and Lidia and I, the students!

The people who know me really good, I'm sure that they will be amazing... Jordi is cooking!
If i don't forgets the recepts i'll cook for you.. Alekos delicatessen, don't expect anything diferent from Pasta and Pizza...

We spent nice time yesterday cooking together with music, speaking... nice really nice diferent time in diferent place with really nice people, italian, valencia, barcelona... If the people is nice who cares about the nationality?

The result was spectacular! 8 pizzas! I only could eat 1 and a half... so today I ate also :D But the teacher Alekos ate at least almost 3...
Then I went to Home Astrid, and I spent nice time... like every night...

Now it's time to relax, keep energy for this night... Gabriel's party!!!

I know I have to write or at least show pictures of Amsterdam...

Peace and Love

dimarts, de novembre 21, 2006


Old and new...

Advertisement: (This post can be write like a shit... but i have to improve my writing a.f.a.p for my english course and also for my thesis, so Philip (or somebody nice) if you read it and you can correct me... I would apreciate it)
A lot of things happened before!!!!

1.- I have my Thesis so you will hear a lot about BPEL (I know the question what's it? the answer is: I don't know yet!!!!)

2.- Juanki visited me... Everybody knew him... D-A-N-G-E-R!!!(Juanki in action, after this night he paid 112 € to go to the airport... YEAHHHHHHH HE IS MY FRIEND!!! )
Also these days I knew Lidia's brother... VICTOR "Buen fixaje" Good boy... He will come back and we will enjoy...
(Did you enjoy of your flight back? jajajajjaa)

3.- I went to Amsterdam with bad boys... But i think that for this point it will be nice a complete post... so you will read!!!!

4.- I love wake up, and take a shower and drink a coffee while I'm hearing this song!!!


A new day has come!!!!

Peace and Love

dimarts, de novembre 07, 2006




I'm chillaxing... i'm charging batteries for the visit of my friend, Juanki... dangerrrrrrrrr!!!
Also I have new news from my Thesis, next Thursday I have an appointment... good news! But my promotor is in the Hospital... :S
In these relaxings days I remember the crazys nights... and specially Halloween's night!!
While I was writing... my flatmate came!!!!!! Alekos again is here!!!

So I'm gonna to speak with him... we have batles to explain...
Few pictures more or Halloween...

diumenge, de novembre 05, 2006


Libros de Texto gratis para Todos!

Free Text Books for everybody!
I'm exhausted! so I only show few pictures of Oscar's visit...
Tomorrow I'll write more things...!!

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