dimarts, de novembre 21, 2006


Old and new...

Advertisement: (This post can be write like a shit... but i have to improve my writing a.f.a.p for my english course and also for my thesis, so Philip (or somebody nice) if you read it and you can correct me... I would apreciate it)
A lot of things happened before!!!!

1.- I have my Thesis so you will hear a lot about BPEL (I know the question what's it? the answer is: I don't know yet!!!!)

2.- Juanki visited me... Everybody knew him... D-A-N-G-E-R!!!(Juanki in action, after this night he paid 112 € to go to the airport... YEAHHHHHHH HE IS MY FRIEND!!! )
Also these days I knew Lidia's brother... VICTOR "Buen fixaje" Good boy... He will come back and we will enjoy...
(Did you enjoy of your flight back? jajajajjaa)

3.- I went to Amsterdam with bad boys... But i think that for this point it will be nice a complete post... so you will read!!!!

4.- I love wake up, and take a shower and drink a coffee while I'm hearing this song!!!


A new day has come!!!!

Peace and Love

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