diumenge, de gener 21, 2007


Adios Jaroteador...

Aquest el faig en català en castella o angles... anyway
Adéu Jaroteador...
Adios Jaroteador...
Good bye Jaroteaixin..

After the visit of a new friend in Gent, yes Gent but Gent during exams maybe its not the same...
But always is good...
Fiesta el miercoles... Poker y tortillitas el Jueves... Fiesta polaca el viernes (pasalacabra)... Poker y Charlatan el sabado...
Top spin...

Madre mia como estudiamos... y por cierto que no falti de res... que paga TOT GESTIONS...

Mañana mas... y mejor?


This email is to inform that NEWROPEANS, www.newropeans.eu , is starting its 2007 Newropeans Democracy Marathon in Europe.
The 2007 NDM consists of 500 conferences of which 250 next to European students into all the EU on the thema: 'Erasmus is 20: Let's give him a child!'
Newropeans has a special interest in the Erasmus Programme as his Founding President, Franck Biancheri was one of the main contributors to make the programme be created in 1987.
Find out more on Newropeans and the 2007 Marathon: http://www.newropeans.eu/spip.php?article733&lang=en
If you are interested to know more on and/or help with this European operation, please feel free to contact me at: erasmus20@newropeans.eu

Yours sincerely

David Carayol
Erasmus 20 coordinator

Newropeans is the first trans-european political movement exclusively composed of European citizens and independant of any party or public institution to stand to the European Parliament in 2009 in all the EU.
Newropeans is already present in 12 countries.
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